Spray Foam Genie Milwaukee – Why You Should Hire a Professional

Many homeowners have questions about whether to tackle spray foam installation themselves or to call in a professional. The choice depends on time, skill set and budget. However, applying spray insulation correctly is highly specialized work that involves a complex process. Hiring an experienced contractor is often a better choice. Professionals know how to apply the foam in even layers and ensure it expands properly. They also have access to better materials that are more effective and cost-efficient than DIY kits. Closed-cell spray foam is physically stronger and provides a superior vapor barrier. However, it is more expensive than open-cell.

Spray Foam Genie Milwaukee: Expert Insulation Services for Energy Efficiency

A quality air barrier like Spray foam insulation can significantly reduce a home’s energy costs, making it an excellent investment. It can also protect property against mold and mildew. In a humid climate, moisture entrapment can result in rot and serious structural damage to the home. Spray insulation creates an impermeable barrier that prevents moisture entrapment and inhibits mold and mildew growth.

Spray insulation can offer relief for homeowners who suffer from seasonal allergies. Its air-tight seal keeps pollen, dust and other allergens out of the house, reducing symptoms and the need for antihistamines. It can also help lower respiratory health concerns by reducing the amount of indoor pollution that is expelled through ventilation systems. In addition, spray insulation helps to control noise from outside and inside the house.

Spray Foam Genie Milwaukee
12665 W Townsend St, Brookfield, WI 53005

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